Desktop Released

The My2ndGeneration Desktop version can now be fully integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio. You can even embed templates into Visual Studio. My2ndGeneration is the future of code generation within Visual Studio.

Enhance the Visual Studio Experience

If you plan on using the Templates embedded in Visual Studio you can enhance the experience by mapping the ”.M2G” extension in Visual Studio to “JavaScript Editor” in VS2013 or “Script Editor” in earlier version of Visual Studio. This is done under Tool –> Options –> Text Editor –> File Extension like so:


In VS 2013 this provides nice syntax highlight and validation. You can even run JSLint against your .M2G file it if you hand edit the project file inside. Don’t use the period “.” when adding the extension in the dialog above. You will probably have to close / reopen Visual Studio after mapping the .M2G extension.

XOJO Support

After installing the Desktop version all of the XOJO mappings will be present allowing you develop and execute XOJO templates on the Desktop. See for more information and an excellent video on the process.

Posted in My2ndGeneration Desktop, Visual Studio Integration

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